Plastic Surgeons Turn to Viper Equity Partners as Valuations Soar in Healthcare's Hottest Consolidation Market

PALM BEACH, Fla., May 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Viper Equity Partners started 2022 by putting over 225 million dollars in deals under letter of intent in Q1, once again holding on strong to their spot as the top investment banking firm in healthcare.

Their focus was all plastic surgery as deals brought top valuations, with dozens of PR firms stepping up to enter the space. "It's been coming for years stated David C Branch, Viper's founder. Branch continued," The offices are highly profitable with multiple recurring revenue streams offering fee for service and insurance income with huge scale opportunities." 

Private equity has taken a huge interest. Plastic surgery today is very mainstream and socially acceptable. Most offices coming to market have multiple doctors and locations within house surgical suites and med spas. High-cost surgical procedures have surged in popularity, but the consumer has also become aware of the progressive, non-invasive side of the business. These procedures include high-tech equipment to reduce fat and wrinkles, along with Botox and other injectable options that offer amazing instant results without sedation at a minimal cost. Another huge revelation was that plastic surgeons maintained solid revenues through economic downturns. 

Samir Qureshi, Viper's President of Healthcare, is focusing on putting platform deals together with private equity partners. "It is very exciting at this stage to see all the interest, but it was inevitable. We have put nothing but marquee deals together and have over a dozen more going under LOI. It really is only the beginning," he stated. 

Viper has completed 90% of the deals in this space so far. They are working hard now to support the integrity of the surge as unsophisticated advisors lead sellers to believe they are worth far more than they are.

"It has been challenging hearing multiples of 15x or more being thrown around. Sadly, some doctors buy into it, and it never comes to fruition. The market is rock solid in the 7-8.5x range with deals getting closed; that is just reality," stated Qureshi. 

The partnership model Viper recommends to their plastic surgeon clients has proven to be a winner allowing the doctors to take chips off the table while staying in charge of their offices as they continue to see patients with total autonomy. 

About Viper Equity Partners
As America’s Leading Transition Consultation Firm for the Medical Industry, working with dentists, plastic surgeons, dermatologists, cardiologists, and real estate. Viper Partners is America's leading M&A Advisory and Investment Bank in dentistry and aesthetics, representing Dental, Plastic Surgery, Cardiology, Real Estate, Loans, Financing, and Dermatology practice owners. Our exclusive relationships with private equity-funded Dental Support Organizations (DSOs) and Medical Support Organizations (MSOs) and our experienced team of M&A professionals are like no other in the healthcare marketplace. The Viper Team consults with every client, from contract to the closing table, with high integrity, efficiency, velocity, and a one-of-a-kind, value-added approach. Our 97% closing rate speaks for itself.

Contact Information:

For more information on how Viper Partners can assist with your business sale, contact Dave Branch or visit

Dave Branch, Founder

Phone: (305) 988-5945


SOURCE Viper Equity Partners of Palm Beach LLC


The Dental Industry's Dominate Deal Maker, Viper Partners, soars to over 300m in Q1 2022.


Viper Equity Partners is a Top- Rated Investment Bank and Transition Advisor in the U.S., Serving Dentists, Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists, and Ophthalmologists